Sunday, September 8, 2024
  • time : 00:00
  • Date : Mon Nov 28, 2022
Webinar on "History and methods of biological control" From the series of educational programs on “Research and Development of Biological Control in the country”

According to the public relations office of the IRIPP, the first and second lectures of the series of educational programs on "Research and development of biological control in the country" titled "History and methods of biological control (parasitoids and predators, pathogenic and microbial agents)" was organized by the Office of Education and Extension of the IRIPP in the form of video conference at the national level on Wednesday 26nd Oct. 2022. The topic was taught by Dr. Mohammad Reza Attaran, faculty member of Biological Control Research Department, Amol and was attended by faculty members of the headquarter and provincial centers, researchers, experts in the field of agriculture and extension.

